Monday, May
10, 2010
6:00 - 7:30 pm
State Technical Community College
10915 Hardin
Valley Road, Knoxville
J.L. Goins Administration Building, Cafeteria Annex
Student and Guest Speaker Presentations
This month's ETGS meeting will follow a slightly different format than is usual. Instead of having one speaker give a 50-minute-long presentation, we will be featuring three presentations, each approximately 15 minutes long, by graduate students from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville. Each year EPS offers a course on Professional Presentations (Geology 596) to provide a formal opportunity for students to develop their oral communication skills. This one-credit course involves writing an abstract and preparing, practicing, and delivering a professional presentation on any geological topic of interest, usually a portion of their dissertation/thesis research. The students present their talks at a departmental seminar and they are ranked by the seminar attendees and a five-person committee consisting of faculty, post-docs, and students. Once again, ETGS is partnering with EPS to further broaden this valuable experience by offering awards to the student presenters and inviting to give their talks to a professional geology audience at the May 2010 ETGS meeting. We hope you can join us to support this new generation of geologists and see their presentations.
The Ama
Drime Detachment, Tibet-Nepal:
Insights into Orogen-Parallel Extension in the Convergent
Jackie Langillea*, Micah Jessupa, John
Cottleb, Dennis Newellc
of Tennessee, Earth & Planetary Sciences, Knoxville, TN
bUniversity of California, Santa Barbara, CA
cLos Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
The Ama Drime Massif is a north-south trending antiformal structure located ~50 km northeast of Mount Everest that is bound by the Ama Drime and Nyönno Ri detachments on the western and eastern sides, respectively. These detachments accommodate east-west extension in the north-directed convergent Himalaya. Detailed microstructural, kinematic, and deformation temperature analyses for rocks exposed within the Ama Drime detachment were conducted in order to document the spatial and temporal patterns of deformation during movement along the detachment and exhumation of the Ama Drime Massif. Micro- and macro-scale kinematic indicators suggest that top-to-the-west displacement was dominant at a range of deformation temperatures. Deformation temperatures estimated from quartz and feldspar microstructures, quartz crystallographic fabrics, and two-feldspar geothermometry of asymmetric strain-induced myrmekite range between ~350&ndash650 °C. These data suggest that exhumation of the Ama Drime Massif during orogen-parallel extension was accommodated by significant vertical thinning and horizontal extension that resulted in at least 21&ndash42 km of displacement on the Ama Drime detachment providing new insights into the role of strain partitioning and magnitude of displacement during orogen-parallel extension in the Everest region.
Petrologic Evidence for Multiple Ultramafic Lithologies on Asteroid 4Vesta
Andrew W. Beck
Department of Earth
& Planetary Sciences
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
(Abstract Not Included)
Guest Speaker
the Effect of Water Content on Uranium(VI)
Leaching in Sediment Containing Gravel
Andrew Moore
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
A Uranium contaminant plume in the vadose zone at DOE&rsquos Hanford Site, Washington, has been a consistent source of contamination to the underlying aquifer for thirty years and is strongly influenced by stage changes in the adjacent Columbia River. The geologic material at Hanford is composed of heterogeneous flood deposits dominated by sands and gravels. This study is aimed at understanding the hydrologic and geochemical effects that changes in water content have on Uranium transport in sediment containing gravel. Column leaching experiments were performed at two average water contents on artificially contaminated sediments collected from the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility (ERDF) in the Hanford Site to assess the effect of changes in water content on the transport of Uranium. The columns contained ~80% gravel (> 2 mm) by mass. The Uranium leaching experimental data were fitted to an analytical solution to the convection dispersion equation derived from the mass leaching approach. Results of the column experiments and modeling show an increase in the distribution coefficients (Kd) for Uranium with decreasing water content. A physicochemical conceptual model was developed which relates the effects of changes in water content to Uranium transport in the vadose zone.
Page updated May 26, 2018 |