March 2025 Field Trip

Friday/Saturday, March 7th/8th, 2025
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

March Field Trip - Cancelled

No Meeting


Mark Carter


Note: due to a limited number of members interested in this field trip (and uncertainties with Federal Travel) this outing is cancelled, but may be rescheduled for later this coming Fall or Winter (TBD).

We are tentatively planning an Early Spring field trip, in March. The trip will be an overnighter (Friday, March 7th - Saturday, March 8th) and will require that participants travel to Sparta, N.C. Friday afternoon/evening, (about 3.5 hours from Knoxville) and stay at a hotel in or near Sparta (at their expense). 

We will spend Saturday morning and afternoon in the field and wrap up in time for folks to make the drive back home at a reasonable time. The field trip is intended to give us a good look at the surface expressions/structures related to the faulting and rupture which occurred during the 5.1 magnitude Sparta earthquake of 2020.

To ensure we have "critical mass" in attendees for the trip, we are soliciting you for a firm commitment to attend, if indeed you desire to do so. No need to respond if you do not plan to attend. We would like to have your commitment by this coming Friday (February 14th).

The suggested accommodation is the Alleghany Inn, 341 N. Main St, Sparta, NC  28675. Telephone is (336) 372-2501 and web site https://alleghanyinn.com/. Please make your own reservations ahead of time. There are other accommodations in the general area if you prefer.



Mark W. Carter has been a professional geologist since 1996. Mark's expertise is geologic mapping throughout the southern Appalachian crystalline core and Coastal Plain. He has produced geologic maps and reports in three states (Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia) and from four geologic provinces (Valley and Ridge, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, Coastal Plain). As a USGS Research Geologist, he is currently project chief of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program Eastern Piedmont and Upper Coastal Plain, Virginia to Georgia Project. Mark is mapping in southeastern Virginia for critical mineral framework studies, and in central Georgia for resource management.



Greetings, and hope you can make the March 7th/8th Field Trip!


ETGS News:

  • New ETGS mugs are available! If you would like to purchase a mug, email etgs@live.com and include "ETGS Mug" in the subject line.


ETGS Coffee & Beer Mugs...

Sure to be a collector's item!

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

ETGS is a volunteer organization. We need your help to continue serving those interested in the geology of East Tennessee and beyond. Please email us at
etgs@live.com if you would consider assisting in one of the following open positions. It is a great opportunity to expand your personal and professional network.

Tony McClain

Vice President
David Carlone

J. Brad Stephenson

Seaira Stephenson

Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator
Bob Gelinas


Page updated February 25, 2025